Placement Service
Aims of work placementsGovernment and OfSTED have consistently extolled the benefits of participating in a work placement experience.In 2014, Ofsted reported:“Young people greatly valued high-quality work experience which enhanced their employment prospects. It enabled them to gain up-to-date, relevant experience, make contacts in business and industry, and develop a broader knowledge of career pathways.”At DES, we believe in providing placements that are well thought through, with rigorous risk assessments, H&S briefings and planned programmes that meet the needs of both the learner and the placement provider. We seek constructive feedback for the benefit of both the learner and placement provider with any outcomes identified showing how the placement has improved the student’s confidence, highlighting aspects such as the importance of teamwork and working independently. Ideally, we want a student’s participation in a placement to show the learner the demands and challenges of their chosen sector and how their experience will increase their opportunity and employability.
Student placements
The DES placements team has been providing work experience and work shadowing for schools and learners (pre-16 pupils, post-16 students) for over 30 years, and also provided work placements for school teaching staff.Staff placementsDES not only works with schools and colleges but also will provide placements for staff who wish to sample a business or commercial context to help them deliver a work related curriculum. Equally, employers who want to learn more about how educational establishments function can be offered placements in education. With over 30 years’ experience, we have vast expertise in the field of preparing young people for the world of work and in information and careers guidance; they support schools, FE and HE in finding the ‘right employer’ and help employers find the ‘right prospective employee’. The team also understands the legal requirements for placements, including assessing the H&S of employer premises, matching learners with the most appropriate organisation and location, and offering a whole range of briefing materials, placement diaries, briefings for teachers and pre- and post-placement activities for learners.
Finding your placements
Whether you’re in education or in industry, if you require work experience, short term placements or something a little more longer term – call or email us to discuss how we can meet your needs, we’d love to hear from you:
t: 020 8365 5351