The largest bill and school or educational organisation has is its staff. It is the biggest investment and what makes any place ‘tick’. In schools and colleges, teachers are the largest group and they are the ones who make the vision of the Leadership come alive and work with young people and their families to increase the life chances for those young people.
You could be a new teacher who would like a bit of extra support. The first years in teaching are a time when you are learning your trade and in addition to the support your school is giving you, DES could help. It could be with a particular subject area or with some behavioural strategies or just general coaching on your NQT programme. It could be something that you request personally or it could be part of a school’s commitment to your development and others who have just qualified.
Or maybe you are a middle manager or senior leader who has just gained promotion and needs some training on an area, which is new to you. Many teachers gain promotion based on their ability to be excellent teachers but would like some strategies to support them as they move more into management, including building teams and managing others. DES has a range of Associates, who have been through that process themselves and know what the challenges are and how to make that change in roles.
Or maybe you are a Deputy Head or Principal and are seeking Headship and would like some coaching on senior leadership interviews or some support with an area that you have not responsibility for within your own organisation. Whether your expertise is in the curriculum planning, finance, equality of opportunity, a subject area or the ‘pastoral’ side of school life we can help with any areas that you wish to update. This might include DES arranging some sessions in different schools so you can experience areas you want to address. We can also offer mentoring/coaching through the NPQML or NPQSL courses or modules of professional qualifications.
And sometimes you just want to know – ‘how can I bring more interactive work into my history?’ or ‘what are the latest developments in ICT?’ or ‘how will I do this lesson with a group that have issues with reading?’ or ‘is this the best way to assess this piece of work?’
Whatever the challenge, DES will work with you in a bespoke way that suits you (from email support to classroom observation, from 1:1 sessions or group training). So call us and see how we can support your teaching, assessment and planning.