The role of trainers is changing. Once trainers were tasked with designing a programme that met the needs of adult learners, ensuring that there was a balance between practical and class based sessions so that the expertise of the trainer could be passed onto a new generation. Typically courses relied on a handbook of materials, presentations by experts and assessment based heavily on competency and skills acquisition.
Modern trainers still do many of the things that are required above to ensure that learners have the greatest opportunity of the best outcomes but training is changing. Trainers have to have to understand the how learners learn, including the basics of eLearning, Trainers might need some help in looking for the best delivery methods or help with planning pre-work, what stimulus is best for self reflection and how to develop bended learning methods.
You might need help with presentation – whether you need help with good classroom practice, using visuals as a learning interaction and making infographics or learning maps or how to deliver modules remotely – DES has expert trainers themselves who can support you.
Many modern trainers and training companies also engage with a range of key stakeholders eg. Examination Boards, local colleges, Council services, Health Services, Careers Information and Guidance etc as the role has increased from just imparting practical or technical knowledge to being more ‘rounded and holistic’ tutors. If you need any help in writing Policies to cover areas like ‘equality of opportunity’, ‘learner support’ or ‘examination procedures’ that suit your specific learners and context – then DES can help. We can help trainers understand how to deal with the wider issues of personal and social development for learners.
Of course, trainers and their learners are still subject to examination and assessment. So if you need some help with meeting the MATRIX standard or want a ‘mock inspection’ of your apprenticeship induction or just want some teaching quality assured – then call us. From writing successful bids to lesson planning, DES has the knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies to assist your creativity and vision for a modern learning environment.
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