If you are preparing to convert to an academy or joining a multi-academy trust, or are just thinking about the prospect and its implications, we can provide advice and assistance to help you explore the advantages and disadvantages.
We can explore the merits of joining a multi academy trust (MAT) or establishing your own academy trust, together with the implications of commercial transfer agreements, land arrangements, staffing, finance, undertaking the statutory consultation to the official opening and post-conversion.
And once decided, we can help put your ideas and aspirations in a way that will be successful. We have associates who have experience of the process who can support you on one specific area or throughout.
Or maybe you are have a desire to meet a genuine need in your community to set up a free school – DES associates have an excellent record in supporting the setting up of free schools from researching the need for additional places to appointing the new head.
Call us on 020 3151 7337 to discuss your requirements, we’d be delighted to help. Or email us: