‘Prevention is always better than cure’
Fire regulations have changed in the UK due to advances in fire protection and the recognition that the provisions used by the construction industry for passive fire protection did not stand up to test.
One of our sister companies, Diamond Fire Safety Services, can ensure that all your buildings are compliant. All organisations would wish to ensure that their staff, students and visitors are kept safe and thereby, that chairs of governors, governing bodies, bursars, facility managers, etc, are not at risk of prosecution.
Diamond Fire Safety Services will take you through a fire safety audit (are you really sure all those fire doors meet modern requirements?) and then where/if necessary provide fire doors, door frames, fire screens, use non-flammable paint for fire escape routes, ensure escape lighting and signage are correct, check that fire alarms and fire fighting appliances/sprinklers etc meet current standards and that your escape routes are all legally compliant. Diamond Fire will make sure your building plans are accessible to the Fire Brigade and that they are stored in the required fire-proof box.
To gain both peace of mind and legal compliance concerning the implementation of current fire safety legislation – call us to talk over your needs: 020 315 7337, or email: info@diamondeducationservice.com