Curriculum Planning
The curriculum today has benefitted from the ‘building brick’ of the National Curriculum and the freedoms that new legislation and different types of schools has brought.
Every school wants to offer the broadest and most balanced curriculum it can.
Sometimes school leaders and middle managers just need to talk over how the curriculum can be delivered in an exciting and innovative way whilst giving good value for money and meeting and exceeding expectations.
Talking it over with someone who brings a fresh approach will help you identify the priorities that specifically suit your organisation and community. Or maybe you just want someone to give you some ideas about ‘history teaching for year 2’, or ‘careers information and guidance education for key stage 4’ – whatever you need – let’s see if bringing ‘a fresh pair of eyes’ can support your planning process.
Call us on 020 3151 7337 to discuss your requirements, we’d be delighted to help. Or email us: